Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Prison Yard" WOD

Get yourself a regular deck of playing cards.  Keep the Jokers in the deck.  If you are working out with a group, have one person be the "dealer".  The four suits represent the movement with the number representing the reps.  Jacks are 11 reps, Queens are 12, Kings are 13, and Aces are 14.  Jokers are the wild card.  Go through as many cards as you can without stopping.  Track your progress until you can get through the whole deck without stopping.  For today, the exercises are as follows:

Hearts = Squats
Diamonds = Butterfly Situps
Clubs = Pushups
Spades = Jump Tucks (shown below)
Jokers = 800 meter run (1/2 mile)

1 comment:

  1. David - This was a great workout. I was able to complete the deck as prescribed, I did have to walk/run the last joker. Thanks for posting. Tom


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