Friday, July 24, 2015

Station 3 Workout

Here is a workout that myself and Station 3 crew got to partake in, just the other day!

We started with some Plyometric. Box jumps over foam buckets (4), 5 rounds, then, plyo pushups/one arm on plate other on ground, jump at top from plate to ground, back and forth for 10 reps; then, 10 pull-ups-4 sets; then, 5 strict presses starting with 70% 1RM and move up to 90%.

After that, we took turns and 1 by 1 did this circuit:
Thrusters then Pull-ups. 21-15-9 on reps, you can gage your thrusters but we used 95lbs.

After all 5 of us were done. We rested only 10 minutes then began the finisher.

Each member had to drag a weighted hose sled 100 feet down and 100 feet back. Then hand off to the next member without much lag time. This continued through all 5 members and then again. We all did 5 rounds.
Weight for the sled can vary but we used a wood sled with 135lb on it.

Thanks to Lt. Norton and his guys at Sta 3 for putting a hurt on that day. Felt it for a few days but it was challenging nonetheless. Always remember, do what you can as it pertains to weight, distance and time variables and gauge yourself. Challenging yourself is fine but no your limits and never go past the point of severe pain but when it comes to fitness, there will always be some discomfort which is normal.