Thursday, October 24, 2019

QFE Weightlifting-Firefighter Fran

QFE Weightlifting

Warmup: 5 minute speed rope, bar mobility drill.

Lift: 3 sets at 70% 1RM

5 reps Muscle Snatch
5 reps Deadlifts

Finisher: Firefighter Fran

21-15-9 reps
Pullups, Thrusters in gear, SCBA, mask w/3 hole adapter.

Running clock.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

QFE Weightlifting-Bear Complex

QFE Weightlifting

Warmup: 750 meter row, Bar mobility drill 

Workout: Bear Complex

1-front squat
1-push press
1-back squat
1-push press,
Repeat 7 times without dropping bar

1 minute rest, repeat for 5 sets

Keep grip of the bar through the entire set without breaking your grip.

Weights used:
1st set-105lb
2nd set-115lb
3rd set-125lb
4th set-135lb
5th set-145lb
6th set-155lb
7th set-165lb

Bear Complex

Cooldown static stretch, hydrate, post protein within the nest 30 minutes.

QFE Weightlifting
2018 end of year AM workout
10 min warmup and dynamic stretch 

One Group Did:
-1 Squat, 1 Overhead Squat
Increase by 2.5lbs each round till failure
-3 rounds, max reps
at 5lbs less last fail weight
Group 2 did:
-1 Snatch, 1 overhead squat
Increase by 5lbs each round till failure
-3 rounds of max reps, at 10lbs less fail weight 

Group 3 did:
-30 minutes on heavy bag, push-ups and crunch’s
Finisher: Partner Circuit
Station 1- 10 burpees
Station 2- KB swings
Station 3- Plank
10 minute AMRAP
(Switch stations on 10 count finish of sta1) rotations based off of sta1
Cool down static stretch, hydrate before, during and at end. Post protein shake within 30 min afterwards
#qfeweightlifting #scffit #2018wod #familyworkout @qfess