c/o Mitch Hanna
This workout was put together with the intention to aid in preparing for upcoming Agility assessments utilizing movements that our fallen brother enjoyed but also input from family and friends of Mitch.
We referenced numbers for sets/reps off of both the station he worked at and his last JRAT agility time of 4:57. He and his crews always challenged those around them as well as others in the department.
Here is what you will need to perform the
"Danger Zone" workout:
* Barbell w/weight =95lb ; or, just a 45lb barbell
* cone
* clear area for Burpee and lift with a length of 30feet clear to run back and forth
Alternative to bar would be a highrise pack you can thrust!
4 SETS (Rounds) for time
- 8 Burpees
- Run out 8.6 meters(28.5 feet) and run back (equals out 57 feet)
- 8 Thrusters (95lb barbell, or just 45lb barbell)
- Run out 8.6 meters and run back
- Repeat.
The above is 1 set (round).
Record time (help of time keeper)
* If you complete workout under 4:57 min, then go for another round
A big thanks to Jennifer Hanna and Mitch's friends and work mates for helping put this together!