Monday, June 29, 2015

Station 8 Invite WOD

I got the pleasure to hang with the 8 crew and partake in some PT. Here's what we did:
 Warmed up with - 1/2 mile jog, then 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 Burpees

Then onto the circuit. It was a running clock with as many sets as possible in 10 minutes.

- lunge walk out 20 feet then back holding a dowel or bar overhead, locked out
- then, do 10 kettle bell swings between legs (you can use dumbbell or kb or plate-25-40lb)
- then, do the lunge overhead walk again
- then 10 burped
- lunge walk with OH hold again
- lastly 10 bicep curls (you pick your weight)
Repeat all again till the time lapses

Rest 5 min then finish with TABATA plank and then butterfly sit-ups.

That's 20 seconds of reps or hold for plank with 10 sec rest. Repeat 8 times

It was a little over 90 degrees but we all made it through. Awesome workout!